Friday, October 26, 2012

Aaron King
Mr. Shuler
Advanced Computer Apps
1 to 1 Computers
Burlington High School near Boston has started handing out school issued iPads.  The iPads have grown in popularity in college campuses and are starting to grow in high school areas.  These iPads will replace standard textbooks used in most public secondary schools.  Apple Company has said that they know more than 600 school districts that have moved to Apple products for schools.  They call this the “one to one” program.  More than two thirds of them have come since July.  There are more programs like this one developing on a regular basis.  Woodford County High School in Kentucky has decided to move to the new iPad technology.  Their superintendent said that it would be a good idea and they have become the state’s first school with the new technology.
            The principal of Burlington High School says that the $500 iPad would be a better long-term investment for the school.  More than just the wealthier schools are transferring to the new iPads.  Some of the urban area schools are moving to the new technology.  Brookfield High School in Connecticut says that in spends at least that much every year in textbooks.  This does not include graphing calculators and dictionaries.  They say that the iPads are very beneficial.    They have interactive programs that demonstrate math problem solving skills.  Teachers can send quizzes immediately to the students.  They are really popular for special education classes.  It is good for children with autism, spectrum disorders, and learning disabilities.  People say that it is also beneficial because most of the students have already been learning on them at home. 
            15-year old Christian Woods, who is a sophomore at Burlington Mass., High School, helps up to 1000 teens each year develop to using the iPad. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Aaron King


Mr. Shuler

Advanced Computer Applications Class

What I did Over the Weekend...

     Friday night, I went over to a friend's house.  His sister was having a birthday party, and he invited me 

over.  That night we had some pizza and we watched a bunch of TV.  It was a pretty slow night until around 

9:30 p.m. that night.  His dad decides that it would be nice to have a bonfire out by the shed.  So he goes out 

and he starts the bonfire, and he leaves us in charge of making sure that it doesn't spread throughout the 

garden.  So, we are standing there, and all of a sudden, we look over and his jacket starts smoking.  He runs 

away thinking that he is on fire, but his jacket was just really hot.  

     Saturday, I went home to shower and then went back to the same friend's house for his family reunion.  

His family considers me part of the family anyway.  We ate a bunch of food like chicken, mashed potatoes, 

and cornbread.  We also played a bunch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.  

    Sunday, I did a whole bunch of nothing.  I grilled out with my cousin and we played a bunch of football.  It 

started to storm later and the food was still outside grilling.  Then later that night we had to go to the hospital 

for my little cousin.   That is what I did over the weekend.