Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Aaron King
Mr. Shuler
Advanced Computer Apps
            Fotobabble is an online creation tool that allows students to create talking photos.  Fotobabble also allows these students to share the images that they created.  The only things that you have to do are upload the photo, record your voice, and then send or embed it. 
            Students can use this tool in many ways.  They can find images that relate to certain vocabulary words that they have that week.  They can record themselves saying the word and definition and maybe even record them using the word in a sentence or multiple sentences.  They could share the pictures that they have created with other students in their class so they can study them as well as the person who made the pictures.  They can separate the words that they have used into different categories, like Math, Science, Social Studies, and English.  This tool would be very useful to the people who learn by visual aid or the people who learn by listening.  You could also upload pictures from a field trip that you went on.  You could record your thoughts, feelings, or observations that you made while on the trip.
            Teachers can create a Fotobabble account and upload pictures from recent lessons and record themselves explaining the lesson in detail.  They can record a story that they have written.  This would also be good for parent-teacher conference time.  The teacher show pictures of the student’s progress over the year and what they need to work on.  Students can be sent on a scavenger hunt on Fotobabble.  Teachers can record directions that will lead the students to success.  People who aren't very good at reading can listen and look to learn what they are doing. 
            This would be very good for history.  They can upload pictures of certain historic landmarks and the teachers can explain it.  You can take pictures of projects that the class has done and send them to family and friends.  You can record messages about highlights and upcoming events in the week and/or month. 
            It requires an e-mail address during registration.  The educational version was supposed to come out in 2011.  This will let teachers make the students an account without an e-mail address.

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